Monday, April 11, 2016

Mobile Art Monday No. 43

Five of my regularly visited apps were used in this edit. 

The original...

The first, Retouch to "mess" up the background and get rid of the extra flower.

The second, Snapseed for general tweets and a little vintage filter.

Third, Repix to "paint" the background. (Use the eraser brush to take brush marks off the flower.)

Fourth, in iColorama I did three edits.
Style>Coherence with these settings.

Style>Sketch with these settings.

And Style>Water with these settings.

The into Stackables for texture and brightening.

Hope you've had a great Mobile Art Monday!


  1. Beautiful! Thanks. I need to get and learn some of those apps!

  2. Beautifully done! iColorama is so vast.


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!