Monday, August 3, 2015

Mobile Art Monday No. 28

I was in a silly artistic mood this weekend and this is what I ended up with..
"My Favorite Show"

It all started with a trip to a fabulous antique shop where I nabbed a shot of a great old Zenith television.

I played in Remix a bit to 'mess up' the background. Normally I would have cloned or painted it out but I had a lazy moment and in the end I liked the way it turned out. I came up with these three versions and actually posted the color version on Instagram. 

That same night I edited a sunflower photo in Leonardo by adding 2 texture layers by 2 Lil Owls and one of mine. 
I wasn't happy with the foreground so I set it aside and went back to the TV because it just fascinated me. I thought about looking for a tv test pattern from back in the day then decided to put those sunflowers on it. 
Since Leonardo saves your layered files, I reopened the sunflowers and imported the TV to the bottom layer.

Here is a trick I use for a lot of my masking, depending on what and how much needs masking. If I only need a small part of the photo to show, I'll actually mask it 'away'. Then hit the 'invert' button to reveal the part I want to see. I'll flip the invert back and forth, adding and subtracting until I have just what I need. I hope to do an actually edit on screen soon to show this.
Some rabbit ears would be nice.

1 comment:

  1. Fun, fun Fun. And that TV is so wonderful. Excited to see your step by step of this effect.


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!