Monday, January 6, 2014

One Word 2014

I have an outdoor sign at work that I can display a short sentence on (if I ever have anything to say.) In December it came to me to put up 'Rediscover the Christ of Christmas'. As time went on I felt that rediscover may be my word for 2014. The two weeks surrounding the holidays found me doing a lot of things that I used to do like sewing and baking and decorating which also meant my computer time had been cut way back. In fact I know one day I was not on it at all and really didn't miss it. I've also been very aware of how it's done two things. It's robbed me of life and in another way given me life. There must be some sort of fine line of balance in there somewhere. I'm not just talking social media but my time spent creating on it. There is a real battle with the old me and the new me. The old me can't totally die, it's a part of the new me. But the new me is spread so thin that the cup is nearly empty. 
On Jan 1st I was beginning to be washy washy about that word. "It doesn't sound that great blah, blah, blah." Then I read a blog of a friend. Yes, I hear ya, that will probably be my word. 
Fast forward to today. My hubby can get on a soapbox with the best of them and this was one of those mornings. He finally turned it around to our lives and how we've been sucked into the world with having our heads buried in our electronics and becoming so self focused. At one point 'that word' popped back into my head and when I started to tell him about it I immediately started crying. If that's not confirmation I don't know what is. So my word for 2014 is Rediscover. It just may be 'our' word. 
iPad, Notegraphy app, Fragment app
iPad, Notegraphy app, Mextures app


  1. Great word, and what a way to discover it was the right word for you.

  2. its a great word - and obviously your word for the year - go for it!

  3. COOL wishes in the NEW YEAR!

  4. I can identify completely with that, especialy about spending too much time on the computer or with the phone. Rediscover is a great word - so much of God's creation to discover and give expression to. Be blessed!

  5. How smart to incorporate your word into your header! A great place to put a reminder every time you come back to your blog!

  6. What a fun approach to rediscover yourself Roxi, love how you have done this and how you discovered it.

  7. Roxi I love the graphics it is a great way to express how you are feeling at the moment I love your header.

  8. This is really the post of the day, week , year. How much of this should we be doing for our health, relationships and life. Of course many artists put a lot if time into their art. One thing you should remember is that YOU are an artist. You really are and you should wear the title. Ali Edwards talked the other day about her word. . We have a lot of company.

  9. I love the word, kind of what I hope with my word intention. I want to intentionally "do" so many things, one would be to rediscover time, what I do with it. I love how you illustrated your word in your photos, brilliant!


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!