Friday, January 3, 2014

Class List

Linking p with Kim for Friday Finds.
This week I've found out things about me I don't think I want to know but actually it's good to know them. I'm a worse class junkie than I ever thought.
Have I signed up for any new classes for 2014?  Well, let's revisit last years' for a moment.
How about a list of all the online classes I started this year and didn't finish? Along with the others I have access to and barely started? I will make myself a class schedule and attend (somewhat) faithfully.
I have so many that some I hardly even remember buying. A cruise through my paypal account and my filed receipts has turned up a few of those.
It's a good thing they are not tangable. I'd be one of those people that barely have a path through their house.

I actually did finish 7 classes this year and would like to review some of these again. (Yeah! Bravo! I'm giving myself a pat on the back! I seriously thought I had only finished 3.)

  1. Photo Art Blends - Cottage Arts (fabulous! if you're artsy)
  2. The Art of Journaling - Amanda Taylor (also fabulous! if you're artsy)
  3. The Art of Blending - Digital Scrapper
  4. Apple iMovie - PPSOP
  5. Round Trip - Kim Klassen
  6. The Art of Composition - Tracy Clark
  7. The Phone Photography Project - Big Picture Classes

Most of these I got past the midway point but when it comes to thinking and writing I usually duck out the back door.

  1. Write Now! - Amy Sorensen
  2. One Little Word - Ali Edwards (ooops never got past month 3)
  3. Time Capsules - Xanthe Berkeley
  4. Photoshop Artistry - Sebastian Micheals
  5. Beyond Beyond - Kim Klassen
  6. Start to Finish - Kim Klassen
  7. Gifts of Imperfection - Brene Brown
  8. Chalkboard Art in Illustrator - Carina Gardner
  9. Designer's Brush Workshop - Amanda Rockwell
  10. Holiday Play - Alisa Burke
  11. Ink & Paint - Laura Coyle
  12. Awesome Album Design Skills (InDesign)- Photography Concentrate

Udemy Classes:

  1. The Art of Black and White Photography
  2. Amazing Sunset Photography
  3. Adobe Illustrator CS6
  4. PSD To HTML
  5. Portrait Photography with Simple Gear
  6. iPhone Photography Secrets
  7. The Absolute Beginners Guide to Flash Photography
  8. Snapseed
  9. Plus more.....(yes I'm seriously hanging my head now. I've only finished one class, Snapseed, and it was very good.

Creative Live Classes:

  1. iPhoneography with Jack Davis
  2. Photoshop's Best-Kept Secrets with Colin Smith
  3. Quick Retouching in Lightroom, ACR & Back with Jack Davis
  4. Special Effects in Lightroom and ACR with Jack Davis
  5. Group Panel: Best Practices
  6. Intermediate and Advanced Actions with Ben Willmore

3 subscriptions
Craft Daily for mixed media
Kelby Training

Older ones I'd like to revisit:
MO-tography - Jessica Sprague
Several Illustrator classes by Carina Gardner
Inky Doodles with Michelle Houghton

I will print this out and hang it on the wall. (I must make it cute tho.)

Have I signed up for any new classes for 2014? Well, of course. This addiction to learning is very hard to break. I have two that start next week. Lens Baby Magic by Kathleen Clemmons and The Art of Photographs by Amanda Taylor.

So if you ever ask what classes I'm taking at the moment I'll just have to send you a link to this post.


  1. Well that took awhile to read…I read every word and I see a few I might sign up for…I'm already signed up for the 50mm with Kim Ort…and I still have to finish last year with Kim Klassen…not sure I've ever finished a course…but it will be one of my 14's this year..
    Your list is lovely and seriously I was thinking of a class this morning and you gave it a good review so I'm going to also sign up for Snapseed…
    Thanks Roxi for helping me to be a "junkie" to...

  2. Roxi, I smiled all the way through your post. I have unfinished classes, too. It's good to know I am not alone! Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. Wow! I didn't finish a couple. Now we have a wedding coming up, so I'll not be signing up for any or maybe one. Dang! I have so much more to learn. Here's to a better completion ratio this year!

  4. OMG! Looks very similar to mine though your completion list is a bit longer!
    OH no! I just noticed your Lens Baby Magic course!! I promised myself no more in 2014...well I made it 2 days

  5. Wow, love your list. Gives me some new ideas. I am a class junkie also and we have a few in common. I am trying to catch up on mine also.

  6. YIKES! That is a LOT of classes and I thought I was bad. I would like to concentrate on getting through ones I already have before I do much else. So far only Kim Ort's 50mm class for this year.

  7. You are so brave, putting it all out on the "clothes" line for all to see! Isn't it amazing and so great though to have online access to so many opportunities to learn at our own pace?!! Even if I don't get a course completed, the knowledge is there to get when the time is right (as my LR access proves). But I barely touched any of the Art of Blending. :( My wish list has several new classes when the time is right. It's good to know I'm not in the learning boat alone.

  8. I can't tell you the last time I actually finished a class! I just keep signing up :) My dream is that one day I will actually have time to go back and finish them all!

  9. How funny Roxi. I'm afraid to do that are braver than me!

  10. I too am a junkie lol... Seriously though learning is important and there are so many great courses out there I'm trying hard not to sign up for anymore so I can finish the ones from last year :)

  11. I think you struck a chord...something we all can relate to! I might have to put myself through this, as well...

  12. I haven't taken too many classes, But I am guilty as well of not finishing the classes I start. So I have not signed up for any classes this year. So Sad..

    Hope you have a happy weekend.


  13. lol Roxi! Your class list made my head spin! But good for you - so what!!?? I am the same - I haven't even started Sebastian Michael's class and I really want to at least do some of that one.

  14. Forgot to say - don't you love Digital Scrapper's policy of "forever access"? It's a godsend!

  15. Thank you for the list, Roxi - that's a great inspiration! I signed to 4 courses last year, and did 3 of them ... the last one, Finding Your Photo style was on summervacation ... I missed the first classes and then didn't catch up. Your Flipagram-videos are great - The textures and your way of making art from photos is unique - I look forward of seeing some of the art in your exhibition!

  16. You are an inspiration to keep learning! Now I know who to come to with questions. If you can't answer them, then just point me in the direction of a class to take!

  17. I know how you feel: hungering to learn more. One thing leads to another and...well, you know the rest.
    The Lensbaby class is tempting. But I'm already signed up for some mixed media stuff.
    I vote for a 30-hr day. Better yet a 30-hr work week.

  18. Yes, you do have you hands full here, Roxi ... but as I read through this post I kept getting the feeling of how much passion you have for learning - not a bad thing ... I also appreciate knowing about all these classes so your list is quite interesting for me. Don't beat yourself up - you put lots of art out there and it's stunning. (I missed this post earlier ... I came by way of your latest post, so I'm going back there to read it now).


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!