Thursday, January 2, 2014


I've posted this digital page before but it fits too perfectly for this.

Kim has challenged her followers to make a list of 14 dreams, goals, etc for 2014. I'm having a hard time coming up with 14 but here goes.
I actually did a post a few months back about this so I think I'll cheat and see what all was on my list then.....
Well, that was interesting. In fact this past week as I've gone through and through my iphone edits to make Flipagrams for Instagram I have finally determined my style. So with that new revelation I will be focusing on
1. Learning new apps and focusing more on artistic photos.
2. Have an iPhone Art Show.
3. Redo my blog a bit.
4. Improve and sell my photography.
5. Get a web gallery set up.
6. Get a handle on the dreaded marketing thing.
7. Learn how use all my mixed media supplies.
8. Learn to use my new Lens Baby (class starts this week!)
9. Learn to make good tasting gluten free breads. (No, I'm not allergic, it's just not good for you)
10. Totally cut sugars from our diet.
11. De-clutter the house.
12. Go to Florida and Wisconcin/Michigan.
13. Rediscover the innocence and vitality of youth through my grand daughter.
14. Rediscover the deep love of my Savior.


  1. beautiful my sweet friend..... love your list.....
    yay for the lens baby class... one of these days I need to 'embrace' mine. :)

    sending you so much light and love in 2014....

    xo, Kim

  2. Bravo Roxi! This is a wonderful list!

  3. A wonderful list Roxi…at least you got it done…first on my list will be…Keep up with the Groupies…LOl…not going to happen…I especially love #13

  4. When you come to Michigan you better let me know :) I have a guest bedroom!! I wish I could let the sugar thing go, it would be so good for me I know, but I love a glass of wine too much.

  5. Hi your digital artwork. That is something that I never explored but I am sure drawn to it. I had a lensbaby on my santa list...but apparently I was not a good girl this year ... :~)...or maybe he did not know what it was! Anyway I hope you post some of your may just inspire me to buy one!

  6. Great list and I love #14. :)

  7. Great list! Love the last one as well! Maybe we can persuade Kim to do a lens baby course one day !

  8. terrific list...what lens baby class are you taking? I have one too and need to do more with it. And I look forward to seeing your web gallery.

  9. Great Roxi as usual a wonderful layout as usual. I'm trying to dip my toe in the water regarding selling but it's so scary.

  10. Great list Roxi, love that you are taking a lensbaby class. Your work is always beautiful and inspiriting. Cool to think of an iphone exhibit that would be great to see.

  11. Awesome list Roxi, except for that cut sugar part! I don't think I could ever do that one :) Happy New Year!!

  12. I love the list, too. (Thanks for the reminder to make bread! I'm out!) I'll work on my 14 for '14 sometime. . . . .
    (I wish I had my Lensbaby Lens back. . . . it was lost during the last house fire--yes, I had more than one in the last five years; two, in fact. I loved that I could be creative and sometimes less than perfect with that lens and still have interesting images.)

  13. Well, what a great list, and your digital page makes my heart skip a beat, I love it so! De-clutter...yep right there with my INTENTION to help simplify and a lens baby? I'm a bit jealous!

  14. Would love to know where you are taking your Lensbaby class. I got one for Christmas and need a little shove to start using it.

  15. I'm going to have to do mine...right now I'm recovering data on an external hard drive that Windows was telling me to reformat. All my photos. Most are backed up but not my recent ones. Happy New Year!!!!!

  16. Love your list. We have quite a few duplicates. We ought to help each other stay on track. Would love a Chat sometime!

  17. Perfect list...and I love the illustration...wishing you all the best in 2014, Roxie. Hope your fulfill your entire list!!


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!