Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Texture Tuesday Jan 7

It is already the seventh day of January and I haven't taken one photo with my Canon. (Not many with my phone either.) Until this morning. I see the light glisten off the tree tips out my kitchen window. It's a challenge to sit backwards on the kitchen cabinet to get close enough to the window with out the dirty window making the texture.
One of my photography goals this year is to chase the light.
Kim's 0212 texture on both.

Join us for Texture Tuesday at the cafe with Kim Klassen.


  1. Such a great start to "chasing the light"!! The top one is so pretty, and the second one is so full of light! Wonderfully done in golden tones.

  2. Wonderful we all follow light this time of year....

  3. Wonderful this golden light and how you captured it!

  4. Cute new header. Oh yes, lovely light. Well worth the effort for the shot.

  5. Your photos are gorgeous Roxi. You made me laugh talking about your window. I was going to take a shot of the ice on our window this morning but there were so many spots on it from splashing dishwater, I decided against it! LOL

  6. oh and this light is magical! worth all the trouble to get these shots. :)

  7. I would say you found it, beautiful light and worth the work!

  8. Very pretty hues in both shots!

  9. So pretty - I love the golden glow. Wonderful captures.

  10. Well your off to a great start. The light here is beautiful.


  11. roxi you are a wonder, and an inspiration. You beat to your own drum and I like that. Love the light and can't wait to see more of you chasing the light this year.

  12. Nice droplets! You ought to make a texture out of your dirty window. Maybe shoot against the sky or pot a poster board on the outside.

    In a wabi sabi state of mind. :)


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!