Saturday, October 5, 2013

10 Questions

I just entered this in a photo contest. I decided to just go with my heart this this time and I actually sent in 2 textured photos. The jury will be out until the 25th. (I didn't even look him up on the internet to see his style but from the brochure it sounds like he may be a black and white person.

Barbara Evans at Funky Rosebud challenged 10 of her blogging friends to answer these 10 questions.
Thanks Barbara, this was fun. It put me in a silly mood.

1. What's your favourite poem?
Of all time? I'll say 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. It's probably the only one I can recite. And I loved it as a child.

2. If you had been born into another century which one would you have chosen ?
Oh this is tough. I'm such a weenie. Can I say 1901? I would have loved to be a flapper girl. But then I'd really be old now.

3. McDonalds or Michelin Star?
If we are talking about french fries here, I'll take McDonalds any day.

4. Who has inspired you most during the last year?
My online blogging friends. (I can hear ya now. awwwwww…..)

5. If you were to emigrate to another country, which would you choose and why?
A few years back I would have said Canada but I hate the cold winters. Now if I said Germany I don't think that would be much better. How about Australia or New Zealand?

6. What is your favourite piece of music /song?
I have far too many...

7. Which character in history would you most like to have dinner with?

8. What's your favourite TV programme?
Currently…The Voice, second runner up is The Big Bang Theory.

9. Which book have you enjoyed the most this year?
Well I've only read one and just started it last week. Does it count if it's on Audible? Soul Print by Marc Batterson. Magazines don't count right?

10. What's your favourite quote?
Well, here's one. Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.  -Pablo Picasso

Hope your weekend is going good. Our cold front is supposed to arrive tomorrow and I have pansies to plant.


  1. Your picture seems to be a page in a fairytale book. Wonderfull

  2. Well that guy should like it no matter what his style is :) I am with you on The Voice, although having a hard time finding somebody I really like this year... so far.

  3. Loved reading this. You are right about the MacDonalds french fries.

  4. Fabulous answers Roxi love hearing about you...

  5. Your photo is amazing - I hope you win the contest (you should)!

  6. Enjoyed the questions and the answers.


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!