Monday, August 12, 2013

Our Yard in August

Come, take a walk around my place......
At the front you'll be greeted with pots of coleus and Potato vine that have no idea what boundaries are.
Phlox and purple fountain grass in the evening light. Butterflies are supposed to like these but I've never seen one around them.
The basil volunteers every year.
A yellow trumpet vine. Occasionally I will see some hummingbirds partake here.
Some new zinnias. Usually mine reseed, but thought it was time for a fresh planting. 
I've seen this guy twice now. Can't imagine where he came from but I think he is the culprit behind my poppies being eaten this spring. Here I've caught him out getting a bath from the sprinkler.
And there are still a lot of sunflowers blooming to grace my table. The purple flower is a 'tall' verbena I planted this year. It's very airy. I'm hoping it will attract some butterflies. We have a nursery that will stock rather different plants and I am grateful.
What's growing at your place this week? Do tell...


  1. No turtles here... But my yard is blooming and blooming!!!
    Like your front door!
    Greetings from Holland!

  2. What a beautiful yard! We get confused here in the UK because 'Yard' means just a concrete space at the back of the house!

  3. Sunflowers, sunflowers, and zinnias, hibiscus, ornamental grasses, petunias, geraniums, butterfly bushes (3), lillies, salvia, sage, shasta daisies...but yours are so lovely!

  4. I really like the wonderful, 'golden hour' kinda lighting effect you are getting. I'm gonna come back to these posts this winter...just to feel summer again.



I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!