Thursday, October 27, 2016

Snapseed Landscape Edit

I was amazed at the difference this edit made, so I thought I would post it.

This was the original. 

First I wanted to focus on the old short dock so I cropped a lot out. Using the healing tool in Snapseed, I got rid of the pole and parts of the other dock in the upper left corner.
 I made several adjustments and also added a reduced opacity of one of the vintage filters. I also used the Selective tool to darken areas of the foreground. I added a few Tonal adjustments. 


  1. I love Snapseed my favourite editing tool. Great image Roxi....

  2. Lovely- great choices in your editing creating a beautiful fall scene! Snapseed is my favorite go to photo app.

  3. Looks wonderful! I haven't used the Selective tool; will have to try that sometime.

  4. I like the edited version too. It feels more like fall.

  5. I love Snapseed - it's my editing app of choice on my phone and iPad. The Healing tool does amazing things, and the Selective tool is one I use often.


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!