Monday, July 11, 2016

Mobile Art Monday No. 48

I received some exciting news last week. I entered 2 mobile art competitions and got selected for both. Woohoo! (one has not gone public yet) Greenwich Workshop held an Instagram contest and I must say after reading the 'info' I wasn't sure I wanted to participate. Then the last day came and since there was not an entry fee I decided to tag a few images. Well, 'The Shovel' made it to the top 25. However to get to the top 10 the public gets to vote. (yee-haa) So I guess it comes down to how big a social media following you have or perhaps relatives. LOL Anyway if you'd be so inclined to vote for The Shovel go to this link. I surely appreciate it.

Sometimes I feel like I'm spending too much time on an edit if I don't think it'll get printed for sale. Then on the other hand I get a real kick out of seeing what all I can do with it. I have so many 'styles' that I like it's hard to stick with just one and not experiment. Besides, I've found myself a little bored lately so I need to get out of my comfort zone.

This was created using just one photo.  

But it was manipulated many different ways, then layered together in Leonardo and painted and drawn on in Procreate. Then later added textures in Stackables and I couldn't resist all the versions I'll show you at the end of this post.
I cloned out a few buds in Retouch, then 'painted' the background in Repix with the chalk brush.

I made a few different edits in iColorama saving each one. This was the first. 

I layered it in Leonardo with the previous edit to bring back in a little more color for the flowers.

Two more edits in iColorama...Style>Edges with the blend mode changed.

I decided to have a play with the brushes on the previous edit.  (Don't even ask what I did, I can't seem to repeat it.)

And on the above I pushed it one step further with Style>Triangle Preset 1.

These were all taken into Leonardo and masked, duplicated, blend modes changed, duplicated and enlarged individual flowers.... Then last of all into Procreate to add some ink lines to achieve my final result.

But wait, I always seem to have to try and add some textures in Stackables to see what happens.
The first is using the early version with just the Repix-ed background. I have to say this one is a favorite.

I love the softness of this one. It's a little more my taste than the brighter version.

This one reminded me of newsprint. So I added some.

 And I think I may try to 'color' this one in Procreate later.

This was not meant to be a step by step tutorial but I hope it inspires you to get creative with your iPhone photography. Have a great Mobile Art Monday!


  1. It is fun to see everything you can create with one photo and many apps.

  2. Each is wonderful Roxi, couldn't pick a favorite if I tried. You are a master.

  3. Congrats on your picture being in the top 10! Thanks for all the inspiration. The darker one with the Repix and Stackables edits is my favorite. Nice to enjoy playing with your art, isn't it?

  4. Beautiful Job on all of them! Congrats on the Greenwich Workshop Contest!

  5. Love that you said that you have many styles that you like; I find that is true for myself as well.
    Thanks for taking us on the journey of your edits! your favorite is mine as well! and Congrats on the Greenwich Workshop contest! Love that image!

  6. Love that you said that you have many styles that you like; I find that is true for myself as well.
    Thanks for taking us on the journey of your edits! your favorite is mine as well! and Congrats on the Greenwich Workshop contest! Love that image!

  7. Congratulations on your wins. I must agree, I like you favorite also.

  8. so late to finding this! I love every one of them, and Congratulations on your wins!! You truly are an artist.


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!