Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Finds Nov. 21

And Friday Finds this week could leave me depressed or liberated. Haven't decided which yet. By the time I finish writing this maybe it will be the latter. 
My thoughts this week had been concerning all the time I waste doing unimportant things, hours of wasted time on the computer. Sometimes the longer I sit there the more brain dead I get. Years ago when I worked a 40 hour week I actually got a whole lot more done than I do now when I work 24. I'm already looking back at this year and I'm disappointed in my lack of accomplishments. I've chosen projects that mean nothing to the important people in my life and put the important projects on the back burner. No, I'm not being hard on myself, I'm stating the obvious. I've neglected my house, my yard, my relationships at work and home. Fifteen years ago when I was deep into quilting, I saw many industry leaders get so obsessed with traveling and teaching etc, that many ended up divorced. Not fun. Been there, done that, don't plan to do it again. 
I'm one that finds it's too easy to stick my head in the sand and not wake up until it's too late. Apathy seems to be my middle name as I get older and it's just to easy for me to 'hide'.
Then Wednesday afternoon I read Barb's post here. Sounds like these thoughts are floating around in other people's heads too, judging by the comments. 
To top it off, that night I had a dream about the very same issue. My brother was giving me grief about it in the dream.
So, I'm making a list. On it will be things like... 
1. Make a book about my Dad's life. And have it it finished by April for his 80th birthday. 
2. Make a book about hubby's dad's life.
3. Put videos and photos together that I've shot of grand daughter's past two years. Transfer some to her iPad for her entertainment. 
4. Make a couple books. 
5. Make calendars of my photos. 
6. Print photos for my family.
7. Clear the clutter out of my house and my life.
It feels good to have written this down.
I will try to be choosy from now on about what I do, so for the next couple months this blog may only be progress reports. And maybe some holiday decorating...
(Now, don't hold me to this, a woman's privilege is to change her mind.)

Ok, so after sleeping on this I'm ready to defend my passion but I realize I'm still needing to focus it.

Of course you will continue to find me on Instagram nearly every night @coppercurls55. (App used, Stackables)

Linking up with Kim for Friday Finds.

Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. I think at this time of the year we all start thinking about the year, I know I have for a few months now. I want to spend less time on social media for sure, while I do love the connection it is more important for me to be present with family and less time on IG. I do love my blog for journaling my images and that will remain the same. I also want to find more of me in my photography

    I so respect and admire your list, such good things on it and love your iPhone editing and your helpful tutorials. Your work this past year is so admired by me sweet lady.

  2. Hi Roxi, you've written down what's important to you and what you want to accomplish, and you have some really worthwhile projects listed. I applaud you ... I 'm going to make a list as well. Perhaps Barb Hurst is right. It's this time of year that we start thinking about how it's been going so far and where we want to focus our energy next year. I love your phone photography and am glad to hear you are going to keep doing that - you really do rock it!

  3. Don't be too hard on yourself, Roxi. It seems to me that you've taken a tonne of fabulous photos, which is no small achievement, and shared them generously with your friends on the internet. We are all guilty of procrastinating (words of wisdom from someone with huge accomplishments in that field), but sometimes we have to procrastinate. Sometimes it's necessary to have the down-time to just let our systems do a re-boot. You'll come back stronger, energised and with a clearer sense of what really needs to be done. I love your selfie with a leaf, by the way. All the best for a lovely weekend, Bonny

  4. Often times making a list for myself helps me be better focused on things that "must be/needs to be" done. Finding a balance in all of this is where I often struggle, then I step away for a while to regroup. I admire your desire to get the special books/albums made. Similar projects are looming in the back of my've inspired to make a list also, I tend to get away from doing that now that I'm now working outside the home. Have a great weekend!

  5. writing down stuff is good...having a plan is good...clearing out clutter is good...having the option to change these priorities is thought to all of this is the best...wishing you the best on this new path...but of course there has to be a little holiday decorating...

  6. Gosh, a lot of us seem to be thinking the same thing, I must make a list too. Love your images Roxi :)

  7. I agree with Barbara. This time of year I start thinking about what I have accomplished, or not accomplished, and think about the coming year. I need to make a list too, when things get written on paper they seem more likely to happen. I love your self portrait! The colors and composition are wonderful!

  8. Creative photography and appears you beginning to 'to trust and follow' your own energy ~ We all have some down times , transitional times and success times! Keep the energy moving ~ xoxoxo

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  9. This subject seems to be on the minds of many this week as well as my own..I think with the new year approaching, it's natural to evaluate the past year and to look forward to our goals for the new year..I just haven't had enough time to give it too much thought yet…Maybe after Thanksgiving…I love your self portrait….

  10. How inspiring, Roxi! I love the great things on your list, and the way your write your thoughts - nailing them down, caressing the thoughts ... and your poetic expressions like "Apathy is my middle name".
    I have noticed that my word for 2014, "Unhurried", has really had an influence in my priorities - I am spending less time online - that has sad parts as well, like not following so much all the lovely blogs I'd love to, and being out of some thing as well - and I have posted only once or twice a month to my blog in Finnish. But on the other hand, I am more present elsewhere ...
    I love following you at Instagram, and the series of Stackables-photos and the tutorial ...
    And I'm now so curious to read the post, that inspired you so much ...

  11. Question for you. How many of these things are you doing for you? It is great to do all these wonderful projects for others, but what about your iPhone photography work? Your desire to have a show of your work? I have loved your mobile photography tutorials, your work, that is very much you. Don't lose your dreams in the midst of all these "projects".

  12. I'll join the chorus. I'm sorting out the "should's" and trying to focus on what really matters. As much as I love my photography and blogging, I've been neglecting a few other areas of my life -and I need to seek a little balance. I've made a list similar to yours, though I am not looking to accomplish more . .. I'm looking to experience more. . . and for me that means doing less. Thanks so much for sharing your heart, and please be kind to yourself. You've inspired and encouraged me in so many ways on so many occasions. Perhaps we all just need a little time to re-fuel?

  13. Well said Roxi. I find that I need to revisit this subject on a regular basis - and I mean in a prayerful way - before things get out of hand. I've been in the seriously burned-out mode and I don't want to be there again. My priorities: God. Family. Friends.

    Thanks for putting it out there.


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!