Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Finds Oct 3

What a week!
This has been a pivotal week in my life.
This week I found:
The Vision Mapping fairy has hit me over the head, I met up with some resistance (internal and external), and came out on the other side with a renewed hope and direction. Now to put some action behind all those words I wrote down…
The pleasure of a most gorgeous sky:
A drying field of sunflowers.
And Peace:
I found myself in a little town 20 miles from here because I had to take hubby out to pick up his plane from it's annual check up. My brain obviously was not engaged because I didn't even take my Canon. The place I had to drop him off was near the 'canyons' of this flat old desert. Since we had a monsoon last month it was greener than ever. Yellow wildflowers and little sunflowers were everywhere and it was close to sunset.
I braved the ditches and looked for snakes.
I grabbed a few fence shots with my iPhone.
Mostly I just breathed and soaked it in after the hectic day I'd had. If you are curious you can read about it here. I was so glad I didn't just go home and made a mental note to revisit soon.
One for the purist, the artist, and one for me. I am partial to the B & W this time.
Come on over to Kim's and see what everyone has inked up for Friday Finds.
Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Wow, those clouds look like they were painted into the sky! Love that sunflower face too. Hope you are feeling more at peace today. Happy Friday!

  2. Love those textures on the sunflower and that gorgeous autumn sky! Good for you for stopping and taking time just for you!

  3. I love cloud images,my IG account is full of them from the desert monsoon sky. This one is totally awesome. Love that sunflower, I think you could not do a beautiful sunflower if your life depended on it. So love. The fences are just wonderful with the many different processing.

  4. wow that texas sky is soooo beautiful ... poetry in the sky! I hope you were not affected by the storms that hit texas yesterday ...they sounded just awful! Have a great weekend!

  5. LOVE that sky ! Love your sunflower of course. I'm glad you didn't find any snakes....yikes !

  6. I love that you braved the ditches and were on the lookout for snakes. And so glad that you worked for these views. I enjoy reading about your journey, what you are thinking, how you are growing. Isn't this what creativity is really all about? The experience of sharing your pictures is a kindness among friends. Thank you!

  7. Good for you to have determined your direction. It is so much work isn't it to figure that stuff out? I love the black and white fence shot as well.

  8. Sounds mysterious and exciting! do keep us informed! :)

  9. Well.....that sky should sustain your mood and optimism for a good few months, I reckon.
    What a moment that was.

  10. I wide open spaces, love your edits my friend.


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!