Saturday, February 4, 2017

I was thrilled and honored to have a photo chosen for the MPA Awards for 2016.
It's a world wide mobile photography completion in it's 6th year. So far my track record has been good. I've gotten a piece in the last 4 years and in 2014 two actually made it.

"As always we (I speak as a member of the Jury) were succumbed by the wealth of talent displayed across our screens. We’ve had more entries to this competition than ever before and the quality of submissions has been totally outstanding across all the categories." -Joanne Carter, theappwhisperer.  

I will confess that I entered 20 images. I just couldn't narrow it down and figured my chances would increase. I keep winning in the still life category though. That's not the subject that thrills me the most although I do love it. It just doesn't fascinate me like other things. I am surprised what some people would categorize as still life.

The grand prize winner is actually a professional photo journalist and of course his work is amazing.
If you want to see easily the first place winners in all the categories check out this post on
If you want to cruise through all the honorable mentions and see all of Giles Clarke (the Grand Prize winner's) images (fabulous work) go to MPA. There are truly some fabulous pieces.


  1. Congratulations! I love the peace and quietness of your photo!

  2. Congratulations! I agree, it's a winner! Thanks for posting the links to see the other photos too.


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!