Friday, March 7, 2014

5 Portraits From the Phone

My doll of a grand-daughter loves hats. We take selfies of the two of us usually with caps on (baseball style). She grabbed this hat on the way out the door last week. She just happened to have this adorable old-fashioned looking dress on too.
iPhone photo, edited with Snapseed, PicFX, Facetune, Touchretouch (cloned out hubby's arm), and XnSketch app gave it the sketchy feel.

Another sort of portrait. This was our shadow in the grass. While in PicFX I noticed an invert filter, thought it would make a cool night scene, so after adding another filter and some bokeh, I took it into Lenslight and started adding 'stars' and light effects.

Contemplating my next move. Usually I'm still in my jammies this early. Snapseed.

These last two were shot in the camera app ContrastbyHornbeck.

This was also edited in Noir for more contrast and to darken the lower left corner.

Linking up with Random Five Friday and Friday Finds.

Kim Klassen dot Com


  1. LOVE the selfies! I can see our new granddaughter dressed similarly one of these days and Grandma will be there with the camera! LOL
    visiting from Friday Finds

  2. I'm loving your "shadow" shots! Have a great weekend, Roxi!

  3. What a lovely edit on that first photo!

  4. Lovely selection Roxi your granddaughter is such a sweetie...

  5. I love the b&w contrast images - Your granddaughter is a cutie!

  6. Great shots great shots...all of them! Such variety.

  7. Okay, these are all wonderful, but that first one - blow that baby up and put it on the wall! WOW! xo

  8. Oh, I love each one!! You would be the perfect lady to make a "selfie" tutorial - so many ideas!! The b/w's are fabulous!

  9. Must be fun having a Grand-daughter….so many photo opportunities. Great edits.

  10. You do great work with your phone, Roxi. Me ... not so much.

  11. All are so fun and such a great fun show of what the apps and a creative person can do with the iPhone and apps. Love that one of your granddaughter so so much and the one of you two and the shadow is really special. You really are a wiz my dear. Love to see what you are going to come up with next.

  12. You are always on top of the latest editing offerings Roxi. I appreciate how you share your knowledge.

  13. beautiful.... and the last 2...
    so beautiful....

    have a wonderful weekend... xo


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!