Tuesday, February 4, 2014

It's Texture Tuesday

Better late than never. That seems to have been my mantra all my life. I really should work on that…
This awesome package arrived from Amy at Four Corners Designs last week. It was really too pretty to open. But I did…

What? just look at that label! Amy you are too much! You sure know how to make a gal take forever opening a package. Of course I must photograph every step. Good thing my husband isn't around so I can enjoy the slow process of anticipation.
(kk_red, kk_revolution textures)
Here's just a peek at some of the goodies. There is even a metal 'r'. (swoon) I've already started getting some milage off of these goods for still life photos. Yes, it's going to be a red February.
You can find Amy's goodies in her Etsy Shop.
All taken with my Nifty Fifty.
Linking up with Kim for Texture Tuesday.


  1. I like all the red tones. Red is my favorite color so I had to click on your thumbnail at Texture Tuesday. I got a 35mm for Christmas and I'm loving it! I'm still learning where it focuses. Looks like you are great with your nifty 50!

  2. What a wonderful treat you got in the mail. Packages are the best.

  3. Roxi - you did the contents proud! so glad you are enjoying it...BTW, I have one red mixed media box left if you know of anyone else who needs one...other colors too...

  4. Great photos. What a treasure to open.


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!