Friday, January 17, 2014

Beyond Beyond Day 40 and Friday Finds

I'm linking up with Friday Finds today at Kim's. This week I'm finding all kinds of good organic gluten free type foods in our town and learning to cook differently. It is a challenge I am up for since reading so much about how gluten and Omega 6 fats are killing Americans. I'll probably be posting more food pictures and a few recipes as time goes on. If anyone is interested one book to read is called Grain Brain.
Another challenge:
 This week Kim challenged us to edit some of our iPhone photos in Lightroom rather than on our phones and she gave us one to play with also. Here are a few from last fall.

Plus this cow photo from the Hillcountry. I should have cropped more from the right and cloned out the fence post but I kind of liked it like this.
Here is Kim's photo. before and after.

I must admit I'm usually up for a challenge!
Have a great weekend. Mine will spent cooking and cleaning out more closets. Maybe my word for the year should have been 'purge'.


  1. I need to get organized this weekend, too!
    Thanks for inspiring ME.
    I like your COWS photo!!!!

  2. These are great Roxi, and yes I do like the cows just how they are!

  3. Wonderful, Roxi! Yes, purge is a good idea at this house, too, but I'm not making it my 'word', too depressing to think about all year long. Let's purge this weekend then forget it. :-D

  4. These are really fun...and warm and sunny too. Love the cows!


  5. hi roxi...yes, purge is a great word for me too! I really need to catch up with kim's lessons! where does my time go?

  6. We did gluten free while we were on vacation this past summer. We felt really good the whole vacation and we lost weight.

  7. This whole diet thing is too much. I have yet to try editing this pic. I LOVE your new header.


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!