Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Small Poem

I'm involved in a writing group (don't laugh). This is my first poem in decades.
I saw this lone sunflower, wrote(dictated) as I sped down the road determined that I would stop on the way back from my 15 mile journey during rush hour traffic.
iPhone, DistressedFX, Snapseed, Rhonna Designs, 


  1. I would never laugh because I know you can write. The poem is perfect.

  2. Love it as Sarah said you can write beautifully...

  3. A beautiful image ~ I love the texture work!

  4. I love both the image - one of my favorite of your sunflower collection - and your little poem.
    Also...nice new header!


  5. One of my favorite things to photograph are the 'worn flowers' of any season...sunflowers begin one of my favorites...anything 'daisylike'. I won't laugh....I've started my writing inspiration again this year. Daily mantra being that 'I am a writer and photographer'. Some day I'll have total confidence. I've joined in on a group thing of 500 words by Jeff Goins. hhmmm...need to be sure that is the proper name. Your poem is great and you've given me inspiration once again.

  6. That's a wonderful poem and goes perfectly with the image.


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!