Wednesday, October 2, 2013

IPhone Tutorial -Hot Air Balloon

How about a walk through on how I did this?
My original photo. I started in Snapseed with a crop. Then saved this to use later.

Then went on to apply Drama Bright 2,
added some grunge and adjusted to look like this. Saved it.

Took this into Mextures and applied textures and color to achieve this. (Viva LaGrunge Overlay 1/61, Painterly Overlay 1/44, Painterly Multiply 2/25, Blueberry Peach Overlay 1/50, Flare Multiply 3/41.) Saved. 

Took it into Camera+, In Scenes>Bleach, then from the Effects>Analog add Diana at 80%. Saved.

This was then added as the bottom layer in Image Blender. The top layer is the original crop I saved. I set the top layer blend mode to multiply 75% but I masked out all but the balloon and some of the tree.
I hadn't used Camera+ in quite awhile. I forgot how much I liked it.
What are your go to apps these days?


  1. I tend to use the same ones right now. Camera+, snap seed, pic tap go and maybe a texture one. Into quick and simple right now.

  2. I just can't get into the smartphone/app scene...maybe because everyone is iPhone obsessed and I have an Android. I would love to see a blog post on apps on Android (not that some of them aren't the same)...but my Samsung Galaxy IV is great with its Android platform...which happens to be creeping up on passing up iPhone in the market share. Wish I could sit down with you and Sarah over coffee/tea and you could help me find some of these goodies on my Galaxy IV.


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!