Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday Finds 7-19

From where I peck away on my computer (no, I should say click and stroke away on my Wacom) I have a perfect little view of part of my flower bed at my front door. Various birds will come to visit and if I remember to rise the blinds and keep my camera handy with the long lens attached, I can sometimes get a decent photo.
Well, this week a humming bird showed up! We rarely see them and to ever think I would get a shot at one is a million to one.
He didn't stay long at all. I don't think he liked the flavor.
I've seen two more check out my skullcap. Perhaps it's time to get a feeder.
Edited in Lightroom.
Linking up with Kim at the Cafe for Friday Finds.


  1. Great capture of these fast moving beautiful creatures.

  2. You know I love hummingbirds and this is an excellent shot! Put up that feeder. You'll be captivated and I know you'll get awesome photos.

  3. Great capture. I love the blur of the wing.

  4. Wow! You 'caught' a hummingbird! Ours flit so quickly that I can never get them ... and they don't come around often in spite of all our efforts to attract them. Congratulations! I'm envious.

  5. Oh Roxi, so glad you had the long lens and camera ready and waiting! It's so hard to get a good shot of a hummer! This is beautiful!! It's been a few years since I've seen any - they are coming around this year, and I put out the feeder this week - he hasn't been back that I've seen. I'll keep waiting.

  6. That is not easy! I don't put my camera away for that reason...actually I have two bodies and one ALWAYS has my longest lens on it! GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! It's a perfect shot...

  7. this morning I saw a hummingbird in my back garden...but all I could do is appreciate it...since my camera was nowhere around - your photo is stunning - excellent job!

  8. Oh, what a sweet bird, wonderful capture !
    Nice weekend,


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!