Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Fact Friday

I'm linking up at Reflection of You today. Come join us over there.
5 facts about me.

1. I cut my own hair.
2. I own a Beauty Salon.
3. I work there 3 days a week.

4. I love to grow flowers.
5. I have made many videos and photos of myself cooking and have yet do something with most of them. Soon I hope.


  1. Hi Roxie
    I love photographing flowers but I'm not good at growing them ! Will you come and cook for me please ......

    1. I'd love to cook for you Viv. But you'll have to make the tea.

  2. As an former hair stylist (back when clients had standing weekly appointment; hair was set with Dippity Doo, rollers and dried in hoods, then teased and lacquered) I can appreciate the work you do. I also can relate to cutting one's own hair too.

    I enjoyed you post.

    1. Carol, I was doing that type back in the 70's too. Glad times changed quickly because I hated that part. I really need to retire.

  3. I can relate to #5. I create a lot of things and they go to sleep on my computer. That's one nice thing about blogging. At least there I can share a bit.

  4. OH MY! How fabulous is this? I love your 5 facts! Your macro-photography is absolutely stunning! I used to grow flowers when I was a stay-at-home-mom. Roses were my specialty... they need sooooo much attention, but then again, so do I. We understood each other, and the more love I gave them, the more fragrant and blossoms they produced!

  5. Roxie I am reading your blog and comment when I can get my Google Account to work.

  6. PS thanks for telling me to go to the doctor. I have not yet, but I did read the medicine bottle label. That has helped.

  7. I'm glad you came by my blog! I added you on Instagram. I can remember who you are now! You're also a Beyonder! Are you in the first group or second? I got so behind in that class. I need to get caught up again. I'm staying current with the Behind the Scenes class. I didn't see that you're in there, but I'm going to add you to the top of my blog-watch list. I want to make some connections with a few other Kim/Xanthe addicts! :) Just when you thought being Pinteresting was enough... now we have to be Instagraming!

  8. Sounds like you need to do a food blog!

    1. But that might take the fun out of it......LOL

  9. Very cool - you have a lot of skills!

  10. Great facts and beeeutiful photos!

  11. I cut my own hair too, but I'm definitely not a hair stylist. Lol.

    Great facts -- thanks so much for stopping by. :)


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!