Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Texture Tuesday 3-11

Today's Texture Tuesday theme is from above.
 From current kkTimes2, kk_0603. I was cleaning out the studio Monday and found some peonies I had let dry from last summer. I was quite surprised to find they still had so much color.
 From current kkTimes2, kk_0703.

A dying gerber from above.
I grabbed a few with my phone too. Part of the mess I was cleaning up. A serger makes wonderful skinny strips of fabric for fun projects. 
This is the first time I was able to get such good DOF with my phone. And it was quite by accident. I tried to do it again and it just wasn't quite as good. Edited in PicTapGo and TouchReTouch(great for cloning).

This was edited in a new app, which is free at the moment, called Vintango. It even has text with it. Lots of possibilities.
Join us at Kim's for tons of texture today!


  1. I love the combination of the typewriter and the dry peony, and of course your processing.

  2. Gorgeous! I love that there is so much color even when dried! And the old type writer...heavenly...

  3. Love these Roxi, especially the b/w has so much depth. cool dof with the iphone. I have found that with my ipro lens and the x2 lens I am able to get really nice dof and that really pleases me because it is something the iphone doesn't do well. love the processing on these.

  4. The second photo is just gorgeous!! OH!! What a great idea with the serger and skinny fabric strips - I must try that.

  5. Such nice work, Roxi! That is wonderful DoF with your iPhone. They can be so unpredictable sometimes. And look at that vintage typewriter! Wonderful. {For some reason, my 6 y/o granddaughter has announced that she wants a typewriter for Christmas. Go figure.}

  6. BEAUTIFUL.... such creative edits... hmmm.. i think #2 might be my fav.... and that typewriter...is to die for....

    xo, Kim

  7. Beautiful! I also love they typewriter and dried flower together - the contract of the colors and texture. Thanks for letting us know about that app!

  8. i'm swooning over your typewriter. I just couldn't get in the groove to play at Kim"s today so I'm having fun at everyone elses blog

  9. what tremendous fun! I love all the different combos....and I understand about the phone camera thing...have a new Android...loved the camera on my last one...this one is so challenging...I know...should have got that iphone!

  10. Love love this, such strong colours and type too heaven...

  11. Lovely 'from above', Roxi !
    Love the colors and edits ... and oh my, that typewriter ... just gorgeous !
    Nice week,

  12. What a great typewriter. I still have my portable from 1962. Still works. Loved the gerber shot.

  13. Love the dried peony! I'll need to remember that this year. Lovely shots Roxi.

  14. Beautiful composition and texture!


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!