Sunday, August 4, 2013

1 Photo 30 Apps Number 6

Today I'm breaking the rules and using 3 apps. Distressfx, iColorama, and Blender to achieve my finished result.
Distressedfx is one of my most favorite apps. I'm in love with texture and this has a multitude of possibilities.
Step 1: I chose Cole from the top row of textures. Absentia for the bottom. Upping the contrast a little and decreasing the saturation. Save to camera roll.
Then I imported my edited photo to add more. This time, Catalina and Edgy.

Step 2: I imported my original into iColorama. Chose Style>Edges>3


Step 3: Image Blender. Bring the Distressedfx edit into the bottom layer and the black and white edit into the top layer. Set the blend mode to Colorburn. 

Have a great Sunday!


I read and appreciate all your comments. Have a blessed day!